Friday, April 7, 2017


It's time to turn the recorded interview into words. I've typed out the questions I asked, as well as the various, unique answers I received from each member. This process is kind of annoying, because you constantly have to pause and rewind to get their statements right, but uh ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Each members personality is so different and vibrant, so my main goal of the article will be to capture their personalities. Their uniqueness, talent, and laid-backness. I feel like people tend to think of guys in bands as stand offish phonies, but Deep Seas is so different. They're some of the most genuine people I've ever met.

I've been looking over interviews with famous bands to conjure up an idea of how I should go about writing the article. Most interviews start off with a few paragraphs talking about the artists and any upcoming or important news.  In this particular interview with Ozzy Osbourne, the writer starts off with a sentence that give readers a brief idea of who Ozzy is. He then talks about upcoming things in the musicians career and later gets into the interview. I'm thinking of taking this approach, but just really letting the audience get a feel for the band more than anything. After all they are only a high school band and haven't had the same crazy experiences as real rock musicians.

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