Sunday, April 9, 2017

Font Recreated

Hey! So, I've changed the dripping font to make it look a little less bubbly.

I personally like this better than the previous one and I really want to incorporate it into my spread, but I'm having a hard time with placement. My original idea looks too plain since I couldn't add any shine/shadows to give it that extra touch. I know a clean look is what I was going for, but it's a little too plain and simple. I added photos that I took of the band in the D, P, and A. It didn't look bad, but it didn't look great.

Idea 1
Idea 2

Out of these two concepts I like the first one more. The only thing is that there's no photo on the first page to catch people's eyes, but I think the font does that itself. I'd also need to find a way to incorporate 1 more image to meet the requirement. Many magazines that feature musicians tend to dedicate a full 2 page spread to just one large picture of the band. 

For Example: 

Using the second idea would be the easiest, because I'd easily have a total of 5 photos just on my 2 page spread. I'm really hesitant though, because I'm not thrilled with its appearance.

I even came up with a third concept where I was able to put the font and a photo, but I still wasn't sure if it would flow with the rest of my magazine. If I went with this idea I would probably combine it with Idea 1 to meet the 4 photo requirement.

So, I'm kind of in a pickle right now, but I'll figure it out by today... I sort of have to.

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